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October 02, 2003

Unbearable Heaviness

Some days are better spent in bed. This is not one of them, but every once in a while it gets awfully damned difficult to justify why anything matters. I swear that it's not jealousy or envy or anything, but I am stunned when I find out that some bloggers can get 7 comments just for saying "My goodnesss, it's October already."

Last night I seriously considered redesigning Cobb into a gothic motif and joining the cult of Gnostics, immersing myself in the Book of Enoch. But I'll talk about that more in the upcoming piece on peasantry.

What else is getting me down? The job search is an exercise in whipsawed emotion, but at least I have some bright prospects which are full-time rather than just contracts. Hopefully I won't starve before an offer is made.

Some fool woman and some foolish bureaucrats have gotten their foolishness in the national news in the shape of a toddler who survived 20 days alone in an apartment eating catchup, mustard, drinking out of the toilet and watching cartoons on television.

Knuckleheads are asserting that there are no conscientious Republicans left on the planet with real criticisms about how GWBush is running the White House. Of course that's a derivative gripe about the lack of appropriate traffic here.

Glenn Ligon has fallen a notch in my estimation through his extended signifying on his blackness/maleness/gayness and the fact that people can write essays with 16 footnotes about an artwork which is nothing more nor less than a family album encrusted with amateur porno posing with clever HTML. In fact, gay pride is starting to get on my nerves.

Im still somewhat conflicted about the fact that I watched The West Wing and Law & Order instead of Charles Burnett's film in the Scorcese Blues Series.

Plus I'm in the doghouse with the spousal unit. I need a drink.

Posted by mbowen at October 2, 2003 10:45 AM

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You're not the only one who took refuge in the squooshy familiarity of the West Wing. I tried watching Burnett's film, but something about it left me uneasy, so I turned away from it.

But hey, there's always reruns/the DVD collection, right?

Posted by: Cecily at October 3, 2003 09:06 AM