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November 20, 2003

The Road to Redmond

I'm embarking on a change in direction away from perfection towards the economics of the light manufacturing and mass production. Instead of crafting the biggest, best most efficient, cutting edge and brilliant products, I'm going to build things with Microsoft tools that work.

This means I have to put .NET, C# and SQL Server at the center of my universe and start learning how to use them. In some ways this is like a midlife crisis as well as a crisis of confidence in the thought processes of corporate IT. Whatever. The decision is made and I'll chronicle the journey here and over at Cubegeek.com, my technical site.

Even though the enterprises I'll be working with will be smaller, I'll still call it enterprise computing. Furthermore I'll be a bit more enterprising. Let's see if I get squashed in the process.

Posted by mbowen at November 20, 2003 07:28 AM

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