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May 05, 2004

Sudan: Least Favored Nation

I've had a little time to think about it and my snap judgement is that the Axis of Evil needs an update. We need to bump Iran down a peg to position number four and move Sudan up to number two behind North Korea. Iraq holds at three and is about to drop off the charts. Zimbabwe comes in fifth.

The cheese-eating equivocators and spineless relativists at the UN have done the world enough disservices, but allowing Sudan to be on the UN Human Rights Commission is a new low. I reserve a very small amount of faith in the UN, but it appears that the only people who take it seriously are those for whom its budgets and powers seem great. That excludes much of the second world and all of the first, by my reckoning.

The whole thing needs to be rethought.

Posted by mbowen at May 5, 2004 08:30 PM

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