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February 02, 2005

State of the Union - Live Blogging

18:08 Even Kerry is clapping.

... (missed a few minutes)

:11 - An active force for good in the world. Confident and strong.
Quite true.

Well, he's jumping straight into it. The legacy. Prosecuted corporate criminals. That's not Ashcroft's doing so much as Spitzer's. Nobody punished Microsoft.

The left side doesn't like making tax cuts permanent. 150 government programs that 'don't fulfill essential priorities'. But I do like 'wisely or not at all'.

Yay for community colleges. Yay for increasing Pell Grants.

Every time he says 'small business' people just yell. Boom boom boom, he's just ripping through this stuff. It sounds like the British Parliament with all the Hear Hears.

Environmentally responsible forms of energy. Conservation, and Nukes. I knew the nukes were coming. Good on that. Hydrogen fuels, yeah whatever to that. Clean Coal will make a bigger difference. More secure, less dependent on foreign energy.

Uh Oh Immigration.
Rejects amnesty? What's that all about. Hmm. A reversal?

Social Security. Honor its great purposes. Strengthen and save Social Security. Do I smell triangulation?

55 years and older. No changes. AARP gets what they want.

2042? Don't tell me about 2042.

It should not be a small matter for the US Congress. The left side of the aisle wants to punt.

Smart move now in citing a whole bunch of ideas. They're all on the table.

He sets out the ground rules. Sounds good to me. OK it's not worth all that much clapping. Now this is starting to get boring. It sounds like he's got the whole thing laid out.

Does everybody like this Thrift Savings Plan? Well he's pitching it you young people.

Government should not undermine the values..OK Constitutional amendment? I thought that was dead. This is all for applause.

Human life never bought or sold as a commodity. Not bad. CSspan can only focus on one side of the aisle here it seems.

OK now the activist judge thing. Energize the base. OK

We continue to support faith-based...OK.
Young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence. That sounds like Compassionate Conservatism. Parents & Pastors, Coaches and Community leaders. Good one. So now Laura Bush takes the stage. Deft move W.

Reauthorize Ryan White Act. Hey the left side stood up. 'Everybody has AIDS'. Oops there got the brothers standing up quick.

DNA evidence. Barry Scheck is smiling. Yay. Special training in capital cases? Good.

I didn't realize that Dennis Hastert was that fat.

NATO is training Iraqi troops? I didn't know that. Maybe they are good for something after all these years.

The conditions that feed the ideology of terror. Yeah right, we're going to change the conditions of the world? The only force powerful enough.. is the force of human freedom. Is that so hard to believe? Did Zarqawi say that?

Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free nations. Because democracies respect their own citizens and their neighbors. Very good stuff. Ukraine, Palestine. Nicely.

Secretary of State Rice. I like the sound of that. 350 million aint much. We can afford that. Is peace within reach? Hmm. I sorta doubt it. But let's give it six months.

Oooh. Call out the Saudis. Call out Egypt. That's what I'm talking about. Confront Syria. Well the Syrians have a weak government, what can they really do?

Iran must give up its Uranium enrichment program. As you stand for your own libery, America stands with you. We have a nice example of this now don't we?

Aren't people getting tired of standing up and then sitting down again? Well about the Iraqi elections they really do have to. Nice story about the woman who got her parents out of bed. Hey Sofia. This his your night. Brilliant. Is her finger still blue? No matter. This is the highlight of the evening.

A small group of extremists will not overturn the will of the Iraqi people.

An effective command structure for the Iraqis. Iraqis must be able to secure their own country. W, knows that he cannot afford to abandon Iraqis. Anybody who saw the movie 'Three Kings' knows that story. We will not set an artificial timetable. Good.

Paen to the troops. Injured troops. Right on target. This is shaping up to be a pretty damned good speech. Bryon Norwood. Hugs. Oh man I'm about to cry.

Confidence in freedom's power to change the world. We live in the country where the biggest dreams are born. Good stuff.

OK it's over. Whew. Somebody give me a tissue.
Thank God for CSPAN, I couldn't stand to hear the spin coming in right away. Good Night.

Posted by mbowen at February 2, 2005 06:06 PM

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Saw your blog on the Conservative Brotherhood. I do have several questions though.

Would there be a way to turn the site into a blog site, maybe something similiar to Blogs for Bush (www.blogsforbush.com) or GOP Bloggers (www.gopbloggers.org)?

And second, how would one join? Selah!

Posted by: Anonymous at February 2, 2005 11:20 PM