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February 01, 2004

The Freedom of Slaves

I swear to god that if I, in my entire career ever said anything purposefully or otherwise which was in agreement with one Paul Craig Roberts, I hereby disclaim it, put on my hairshirt and flog myself about the loins with steel nunchucks for 40 days and nights.

Holy shit, what an asshat.

With a bit of trepidation, I poked around the website that published this obscenity whose logo I found vaguely familiar. I thought to myself, I've seen this kangaroo looking thing before, which is why I wasn't sure if I might have referenced him in the positive. Then I see that it's Peter Brimelow. OK now I understand whic cadre of heels this one slimed forth from. Whew. That was close. I know I've never has any positive association with that outfit; the loins are safe from self-flaggelation.

Stay tuned for storms of outrage.
{Volokh, DeLong}

Posted by mbowen at February 1, 2004 12:25 PM

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the flaw is between your ears, pal from nitecrawler
I got this one from reading Cobb. I didn't know who Paul Craig Roberts was but I see on the bottom that he was a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page. Why does this not surprise... [Read More]

Tracked on February 2, 2004 01:24 PM